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  • #2141724

    Cyber Security

    by donmone ·

    I am 26 years old collage drop out who have zero technically knowledge on cyber security. I am interested in doing cyber security and i am doing a basic course on Coursera (Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks).
    i am really passionate about this field but when i discussed with some ppl i know in regards to this they discouraged me and said that this will not work out since i am already 26 and don’t have a collage degree. so i want to know if there is some who stared late and is successful in this field. i am also looking for a mentor who can guide me.

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    • #2419892

      you can do anything you want

      by patriciaslucia ·

      In reply to Cyber Security

      bottom line is, you can do anything you want. if someone discourages you, why listen to them? go for it. Find as much information via the internet and read books on cybersecurity and magazines and do it if you enjoy it. Good luck!

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