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  • #2141471

    Cyber Security/ Virus / Malware

    by ashy6901 ·


    For the past 20 days or so l, I have been occasionally observing weird behavior on my Asus Laptop. It runs on windows 10. Occassionally, the mouse pointer starts moving on its own. Then, sometimes while browsing the internet too many random tabs get opened. I am also getting random pop ups. The most disturbing thing is that I use a premium antivirus and still this is happening. I mean it’s not like it keeps on happening everytime but I have noticed it al least 6-7 times in a span of 15-20 days. I am worried that someone might be tampering with my device . Although I have done multiple virus scans just to be sure. I do not know what is happening. Although I do not keep any critical data on my laptop but still, I am concerned with some cybercriminal stalking me . What can be the probable cause of such happenings on my laptop?

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    • #2417412
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      have you run…..

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Cyber Security/ Virus / Malware

      ….Windows Defender or Malwarebytes to check your system yet ? If not, I would recommend that you do so.

      There is a free and a paid version of Malwarebytes. Both are good. Windows Defender should already be installed on your computer and it is free to use.

    • #2417411
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      Re: issues

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Cyber Security/ Virus / Malware

      For the mouse pointer moving, try disabling the touchpad and only use a ‘real’ mouse, either USB or wireless.

      For the popups in the browser, try another browser. Edge, Chrome and Firefox all are free.

    • #2417407
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      The creeping mouse complaint.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Cyber Security/ Virus / Malware

      Nod to Kees and birdman here. The creeping mouse has spooked many users but it’s usually hardware.

      • #2417404

        Thanks, but…

        by ashy6901 ·

        In reply to The creeping mouse complaint.

        The point is, I have a real USB mouse and I use it very often because obviously the touchpad is irritating. Even when it is in use and connected the pointer moves. Also how do these random tabs get opened. Also these annoying popus with random content?
        Please tell me is there anything that can harm me on the software level? Should I do anything?

        • #2417402
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          Re; touchpad

          by kees_b ·

          In reply to Thanks, but…

          Did you disable the touchpad? Have a look in Control Panel>Mouse and in Device Manager for that.
          Connecting a USB mouse doesn’t disable the touchpad.

        • #2417401

          Yes Yes, I know that but…

          by ashy6901 ·

          In reply to Re; touchpad

          Hi! I do disable the mouse when USB mouse is in use. I know that. What I am saying is that despite that it moves strangely at the times I am talking about. Randomly here and there on the screen selecting/ clicking random files. That’s what scary, know!

        • #2417400
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          Let’s hear a little more about the old mouse.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Yes Yes, I know that but…

          In short, try another mouse.

          Do scan for malware and spyware. Nod to suggestions like MalwyareBytes and if you want a deep inspection of your computer, join and follow their rules on posting. BE PATIENT as such requests are so many and it may take time to get to you.

        • #2417396


          by ashy6901 ·

          In reply to Let’s hear a little more about the old mouse.

          I will try the malwarebytes thing. I have already deleted unecessary downoads and all. Let’s see
          Thanks for weighing in.

    • #2417388


      by jenniemiller ·

      In reply to Cyber Security/ Virus / Malware

      You should use Nod 32 Antivirus. this Antivirus is free and easy to use.

      • #2417380
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        Why this?

        by rproffitt ·

        In reply to Malware

        I haven’t seen a virus in over a decade. Malware and spyware, sure, but not one virus over thousands of PCs in over a decade.

    • #2417189

      Cyber Security/ Virus / Malware

      by old molases ·

      In reply to Cyber Security/ Virus / Malware

      Malwarebytes is the best you can get. Mouse moving on its own can be a hardware problem. But when you said random tabs opening, this is kinda spooky. If the problem persists after scanning, I would suggest reinstalling the windows.

      • #2415577
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        Have to disagree.

        by rproffitt ·

        In reply to Cyber Security/ Virus / Malware

        When I look for malware and more, I use more than one scanner.

        Look at the forums and what they use. It’s more than Malwarebytes. It’s also HUMANS.exe working with wet logic systems.

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