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  • #3937669


    by j+o+a ·

    Apart from the thwarted attempt to attack Tesla in 2020, does anyone know the state of cybersecurity in the connected vehicle industry?

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    • #3940720
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      Just curious

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Cybersecurity

      What is you concern specifically ?? Do you have a connected vehicle ? Are you concerned that someone will hack you car while you are driving ? I am wondering why this needs discussion in the first place.

      • #3940718


        by j+o+a ·

        In reply to Just curious

        Thanks for getting back.

        My interest covers both. I’m asking as a potential user and also for educational reasons as I am currently taking a course in Cybersecurity.

        • #3940717
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          Thanks for clarifying

          by birdmantd ·

          In reply to Cybersecurity

          I wasn’t certain what your intentions were to help prevent SPAM posting.

    • #3940716
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      I’m going to write it’s awful.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Cybersecurity

      For example: Many cars now SNITCH on the drivers with reporting on not only location but speed, hard breaking and more.

      Beyond that, we know that many connected cars haven’t been updated and may never get an update. Example: My Leaf took about 9 months to get a fix to an issue related to it’s cellular comms.

      -> Let’s just put this out there too. The automotive industry doesn’t want to air this laundry. Our government is complicit in messaging us that everything is fine.

    • #3940564

      Cybersecurity is Important

      by fpl123online ·

      In reply to Cybersecurity

      Cybersecurity is a major concern for the people. Everyone wants their data to be safe and encrypted. With an increase in online businesses the cybercrime such as hacking, information breach is also increased. People are investing to make their website secure. If your website is highly secured, people will start trusting it and find it reliable. It is shocking to know that 43% of worldwide cyber-attacks are aimed at small businesses. So, just make sure you, stay secure.

      • #3939558

        Hybrid working environment increases cyber vulnerabilities

        by teamperception ·

        In reply to Cybersecurity is Important

        Yea I completely agree, with or current situation where most companies operate with cloud-based/online systems, there is definitely a risk in information breach. It is important to be alerted at all times and also recommend finding a good cyber security service that can help you remediate the attacks

        • #3939557
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          Missouri Governor Vows to Prosecute St. Louis Post-Dispatch for Reporting

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Hybrid working environment increases cyber vulnerabilities

          “Missouri Governor Vows to Prosecute St. Louis Post-Dispatch for Reporting Security Vulnerability”

          Amazing. Pressing the F12 key is considered hacking.

    • #3939840

      Cybersecurity is an evolving process

      by cyberhuntersecurit ·

      In reply to Cybersecurity

      Cybersecurity is an evolving process since the threats becomes imminence and the company also increases their security that’s why there is patches and updates for every technology there is. if your asking about the state of cybersecurity on the vehicles right now quite is reliable and working as it is

      • #3939834
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        Back to the topic of Cars and security.

        by rproffitt ·

        In reply to Cybersecurity is an evolving process

        As noted above, these connected cars SNITCH on their owners as well have damning delays in getting patches to outright fixes.

        1. My Leaf took 9 months to get a software fix. It was a huge issue too. The car would not start the next day if you didn’t connect a battery tender.
        2. The Chevy Bolt story is not only a failure due to battery issues but the software update to get the cars back on the road and out of the garage has take months.

        There are a lot more stories telling us the car industry is in trouble here.
        Again, our government is complicit in telling us everything is fine.

    • #3939700

      state of cybersecurity in the automotive world

      by hathaway1 ·

      In reply to Cybersecurity

      Here is an article that I found that might be of some insight regarding the state of cybersecurity in the automotive world. Hope it helps.

    • #3938999


      by rofamarja ·

      In reply to Cybersecurity

      i think cybersecurity very important

    • #3962836

      Reply To: Cybersecurity

      by lucas01230 ·

      In reply to Cybersecurity

      As noted above, these connected cars SNITCH on their owners as well have damning delays in getting patches to outright fixes.

      1. My Leaf took 9 months to get a software fix. It was a huge issue too. The car would not start the next day if you didn’t connect a battery tender.
      2. The Chevy Bolt story is not only a failure due to battery issues but the software update to get the cars back on the road and out of the garage has take months.

      There are a lot more stories telling us the car industry is in trouble here.
      Again, our government is complicit in telling us everything is fine.

    • #3971944

      cybersecurity in the connected vehicle industry

      by emilyevan ·

      In reply to Cybersecurity

      There is a very real risk that today’s vehicles are subjected to cyber-attacks that target vehicular communications. This paper proposes a three-layer framework (sensing, communication and control) through which automotive security threats can be better understood. The sensing layer is made up of vehicle dynamics and environmental sensors, which are vulnerable to eavesdropping, jamming, and spoofing attacks. The communication layer is comprised of both in-vehicle and V2X communications and is susceptible to eavesdropping, spoofing, man-in-the-middle, and Sybil attacks. At the top of the hierarchy is the control layer, which enables autonomous vehicular functionality, including the automation of a vehicle’s speed, braking, and steering.
      As threat types vary across these layers, understanding its origin, scope and potential impact that it can cause to passenger safety is critical. The paper calls for a need of new architectures that will utilize Systems of Systems (SoS) approach to detect and mitigate threats. Such architectures should focus on securing critical units such as power train ECUs with cryptographic and non-crypto based algorithms, registration, authentication procedures, and much more.

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