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  • #2074649

    Decision matrix for network type


    by mhlassoc ·

    > I am looking for a decision type matrix to enable my clients decide what
    > type of network they need. Do you have such a thing?
    > I think this would be a useful tool when deciding between peer to peer and
    > client/server as most small operations do not really know what they want
    > and often take the wrong route.
    > Your help would be appreciated
    > regards
    > Mervyn Ferguson
    > Cape town
    > South Africa

All Comments

  • Author
    • #3777590

      Decision matrix for network type

      by mark l ·

      In reply to Decision matrix for network type

      Yes. The ANSWER matrix you are looking for is readily available. I don’t own it, but I can provide the answers (free of charge) should you be interested. They are ‘all over the internet’. Drop a line if your still looking.

      Enjoy 🙂
      mlv//Mark LeVeck, computer system support

    • #3774537

      Decision matrix for network type

      by sdfgsdf ·

      In reply to Decision matrix for network type

      i don’t beleive there is any such reliable tool out there. there are simply to many variables to network layout. however, using general rules such as the 10 user peer to peer limit, printing and internet sharing issues, etc it would be simple to build an html driven “choose your own adventure” type q and a site. ask how many users and toss in an else if for < or > 10 users. true of false strings for file sharing or intranets. an answer to peer to peer vs server based could be solved this way. as far as detirmining what types of platforms, topology, and software are required will probably require good old human intervention.

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