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  • #3945212

    Deleting Folder With Exceptions List

    by gmbracknell ·


    Someone suggested Robocopy?

    Every month I have a folder with many thousands of files. I need to delete all files with the exception of several hundred.

    Its the same several hundred every month.

    I have no IT skills, this is windows.

    Is there an app or something I can just paste the ‘keep files’ names into then delete the rest?

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      Re: deleting files

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Deleting Folder With Exceptions List

      Make those several 100 files read-only. Then deleting *.* won’t delete them.

      Or are it fresh copies with the same name but different content? Then it’s a little bit more complex, although still easy. You need 2 batch files then. One to make those files read-only, one to undo that and make them over-writeable again. It’s all standard Windows, no need to be able to program.

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