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  • #2145053

    Deleting iOS 13 beta from iPad

    by kark124 ·


    This week I downloaded iOS public beta 13.1 and looked through the features on my iPad. Then, I deleted my beta profile with the expectation of returning to version 12.4. However when I checked my version it still indicated I was using version 13. Did I forget a step?

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    • #2423257

      You’re doing it wrong :-p

      by imthetechboss ·

      In reply to Deleting iOS 13 beta from iPad

      You have to download iOS 12.4 IPSW for your iPad and connect it to your computer which has iTunes
      Now on the update screen hold Shift key and click Restore
      It will ask to select the IPSW. Select the downloaded IPSW and wait till it goes back to iOS 12.4
      P.S:-This will delete your data so backup your data

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