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  • #2083555

    Development tools – Which one to use?


    by gemtrak1 ·

    I am interested in some opinions on the topic:
    Which development tool would you use to convert our existing DOS small business application into a multi-platform product to run on Windows 98/2000, Linux, and Unix?

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    • #3770207

      Development tools

      by fnugry ·

      In reply to Development tools – Which one to use?

      Java’s an obvious solution, providing the easiest way to develop modern cross-platform applications… at the cost of performance and fancy platform-dependant features (mostly UI goodies.) There is a variety of java development tools. Personally, Iwould recommend Inprise’s Java Builder.

      Anyway, I think you should first consider changing the architecture of the application to take advantage of modern technologies. For example, you can convert your DOS application (typically a bunch of executables communicating with a database on a file server) into a web application. Web application would not require any client software except web browser, making it possible to access the system from any system with a web-browser. Platform- dependence of the web-application modules in this case will not limit its ‘cross-platform’ness. And if you would still need multi-platform support, there are few technologies/tools you can employ: Java-servlets, java applets, php scripts, etc.

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