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  • #2140851

    Devices on the same network can’t see each other

    by motosi ·


    I’m writing today seeking the advice of someone whos willing to help a newbie out because, on my home network, my devices (computers, smartphones, wireless camera and even wifi printer) cannot “find” each other.
    What I mean by that is: up until a couple days ago, I used to be able to share files between devices, or wirelessly print by typing the “internal” ip address (192.168.1.*) of one device on another as long as both where connected to my network, (either via wifi or physically connected to the router with an Ethernet cable).

    But something changed, and now they can’t find each other. In other words, they are not considered to be in the same local network anymore, for some reason.

    If this matters: they are all connected to the internet without any problem and they can all see the router and vice versa, just not each other.

    Could anyone plz point me in the right direction? Please note that it’s not a Windows sharing/permission/firewall issue, because I’m talking about many different devices with different OS and brands.

    Is there a name for the ability for devices to see each other on an internal network? So I can maybe look for the option in my router and enable it?


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      When I see this.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Devices on the same network can’t see each other

      And taking into it’s a new networker I ask them to recount how it was setup initially. Often you can have them do a full reset on the router then set it up again like they did before and it works.

      At this time I would be updating my router firmware but here we don’t know what router or much else about the network hardware so for now my answer is to reset the router to factory condition and start over. Figure about 20 minutes to complete the task.

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