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  • #2080615

    Dial-up Networking causes reboot


    by rndiehl ·

    Dial-up networking causes one of my Windows98 systems to reboot after verifying user password. I don’t have any IRQ or com port conflicts. I’ve changed internal modems and still have the same problem. Any suggestions.

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    • #3895337

      Dial-up Networking causes reboot

      by tuck46 ·

      In reply to Dial-up Networking causes reboot

      It doesnt sound likely that dial up networking is causing the problem, but if you already swapped out the modem and if the modem is functioning properly, I would uninstall and reinstall dial up networking and possibly tcp/ip and rename your *.386 files. See if you can run winipcfg, if you cant you know there is a problem

    • #3893901

      Dial-up Networking causes reboot

      by mckaytech ·

      In reply to Dial-up Networking causes reboot

      One quick comment on the previous answer: winipcfg is for Win95 – in Win98, the utility is ipconfig.

      I don’t disagree with the suggestion to uninstall and reinstall the TCP/IP stack and DUN but I wonder what you’re connecting to when this happens. If you are connecting to a NT VPN using PPTP, it would seem to me you’d want to look at the VPN client rather than the DUN function itself (I’m assuming that you are connecting to a server and it is the password on that server that is being verified).

      One other suggestion – I saw a similar problem recently that turned out to be related to a logon script. It might be worth temporarily disabling any logon scripts and trying it on a user account with no profile.

      best wishes…


      Paul M. Wright, Jr.
      McKay Technologies

    • #3894390

      Dial-up Networking causes reboot

      by jesalyer ·

      In reply to Dial-up Networking causes reboot

      I would suggest removing and reinstalling DUN. Obviously, it has become corrupt.

      I have seen many cases where corrupt DUN causes reboots, BSOD’s and other bad things to happen to good people.

      jeff s
      spanish callback specialist

    • #3894388

      Dial-up Networking causes reboot

      by jesalyer ·

      In reply to Dial-up Networking causes reboot

      PS: Use a CD-ROM. DO NOT USE .CAB FILES!!!

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