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  • #2075199

    difference of SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)


    by zhangyinping ·

    My question is that you are designing a web applicaation for a magnize company. they want to the paid subscriber to access the magnize online at anywhere. but they are concerning the security. so which one you are going to use and why?

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    • #3790226

      difference of SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)

      by gicu artistu’ ·

      In reply to difference of SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)

      When you want that the communication between your web server and the client web browser to be encrypted you need to install on your web server this Secure Sockets Layer, then the users will have to type In order for the encryption to work you need to purchase a server certificate (Verisign sell this stuff). This is called also a digital certificate and allows your encription to be decripted only by you clients after they provide the correct login information. Anyway this whole mumbo-jumbo is very expensive and only banks and online brokerages employs it. For you magazine you can create a virtual directory that allows only authenticated users to get in and read it. If you need to use credit card information then you need a “digital certificate” and usually the bank (or the financial institution) that you need to contact for beeing able to use this information it’s going to provide all the neccessities.


    • #3789979

      difference of SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)

      by amieveryours ·

      In reply to difference of SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)

      Right now 40-bit encrytion is the best to use if you intent on using it international because 128-bit is currently only supported in the US. And you will need a certicate installed to be able to enable the SSL on your web server. You call buy the certicate from third party vendors like Versign or you can create your own certicate for no cost at all by installing the certicate server on you NT or Windows 2000 Server. For NT the certicate server is part of the Option Pack 4. But please note that the certicate is only trusty worthy as the ones who issue it. If you issue it then the certicate is only as trusty worthy as your company, where else a third party like Verisign is more popular and thus be more trusty worthy than your own.

    • #3780003

      difference of SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)

      by mundi74 ·

      In reply to difference of SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)

      SSL Uses digital certificates as part of it’s authentication scheme. If you intend to uses SSL via https at the very least you need a digital certificate on the server that in essence authenticates the server to the clients. Additionally you may employ the use of a client side digital certificate to authenticate the user to the website. As stated in previous answeres you can either buy through verisign or create your own. The advantage of the client side certificate for authentication is thefact that your authentication can be transparent i.e no login. However, the downside of using client side digital certificates is that the certificate only resides on the computer where it is installed. This makes it impossible for your users to access the site via say the library and expect to authenicate in the same manner.

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