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  • #2073843

    DNS on W2K advanced Server


    by rick2 ·

    When a Active directory is installed on a Name server it puts zones that start with and underscore, i.e.’’which returns an error from my next level secondary root server ‘’manager. Can I use my domain controllers as named servers or do I have to make two server strictly named servers?

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    • #3783162

      DNS on W2K advanced Server

      by pete.zerger ·

      In reply to DNS on W2K advanced Server

      There’s no problem using the name servers for file servers as well. So you have a second level domain and a third level domain each with a name server? Did you delegate the third level domain from the second level server? If not, then do so like this.

      1. Open DNS Manager on your top level name
      2. Right click the downlevel domain zone and
      select ‘New Delegation’, which launches
      the delegation wizard.

      If this isn’t the problem, give me more info and we’ll attempt to duplicate the error in our Win2000 lab.

      Pete Zerger, MCSE, MCT, CCA
      Systems Engineer
      Jump Technology Services

      • #3783623

        DNS on W2K advanced Server

        by rick2 ·

        In reply to DNS on W2K advanced Server

        This doesn’t help when transfer a zone to a router. It comes up with an unknown record type for the ‘_ldap(_kpasswd;_kerberos;_msdcs)” records that Active Directory stores in the DNS. The next “” manager doesn’tlike to have unknown records.

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