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  • #2141723

    Do you know of a chat client/widget that meets our requirements?

    by kindness-awareness ·


    I hope you’re well and have peace in work and life.

    We want a live chat client for our website. It should fulfill the listed requirements. Please mention all if multiple alternatives come to mind.

    – enable us to fulfill GDPR.
    – nearly all of the chat client GUI can be translated to any language by us.

    ○ It is ok if we have to write the translations, but we should be able to translate (nearly) any phrase shown in the GUI (ie “write your chat message here”, “write e-mail here” or “click here to chat”) to any language.
    ○ we can choose which translation to show on which page/subdomain of our website. This could for instance be thanks to that you can choose different settings for the chat client for different pages/subdomains.
    ○ it is ok if we have to write JS-code to accomplish this, but this should preferably be part of the chat widget’s official JS-API.

    – preferred (but not required): offers video/audio chat.
    – preferred: a documented effort of making the chat client accessible.

    The best alternatives we’ve found are Olark and Formilla. Here’s hoping you know of other alternatives too.

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