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  • #4279793

    Do you need to update windows?

    by hopkieb27 ·


    Just wondering if you need to actually update windows because I frequently work on the computer and dont have the time or patience to update so wondering if you need to for features?

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    • #4279839
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      Reply To: Do you need to update windows?

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Do you need to update windows?

      Downloading the update and executing it goes in the background and doensn’t take any of your time.
      The actual activation of the update takes place when you shutdown (so you don’t work any more at the computer) and when you boot again the next day (so you don’t yet work on the computer).

      Added all together that’s zero time lost. All you have to remember is to switch the PC on a few minutes before you actually want to start using it (say: before breakfast) the day after the update.

      • #4279873
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        Reply To: Do you need to update windows?

        by birdmantd ·

        In reply to Reply To: Do you need to update windows?

        Most modern computers will schedule system downloads during off-peak hours by itself and when the computer is turned on, it will install those items automatically. Usually only takes a few minutes. Not a major inconvenience for most.

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