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  • #2141772

    Does anyone know how to fix “A device attached to the system is not functio

    by alkrening ·

    I bought a set of Holybro v3 telemetry radios, plugged one into my pixhawk 2.1 (black cube) and the other in my windows computer set the baud rate to 57600, and I had to install a driver with zadig because my pc didn’t install one. The only one that would seemed to work is “USB serial(CDC)” so I selected com3 and hit connect and this is what I get “A device attached to the system is not functioning”. I know their communicating to each other because both are solid green with red flashing simultaneously, I’ve tried it on another pc and get the same result. Most of that probably isn’t important, but I thought it could help. Any help or suggestions from you smart people is greatly appreciated! Thank you!!

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