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  • #4108617

    Does every website need a footer?


    by mindmadetechnologies ·

    Hi guyz,
    Does every website need a footer?
    It is that much important?

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    • #4108619

      Yes, every website should have a footer.

      by info282270 ·

      In reply to Does every website need a footer?

      A footer is the section that appears at the bottom of a web page, and it typically contains important information such as copyright notices, disclaimers, contact information, links to other pages on the site, and sometimes even social media icons.

      Having a well designed footer adds to the overall user experience on your site by providing visitors with easy access to relevant information without having to scroll back up to the top of the page. Additionally, including important legal information like privacy policies and terms of service in your footer can help protect your business from potential legal issues down the line.

      So while it may be tempting to overlook this section of your website design, it’s actually an essential part of creating a professional and functional website.

    • #4108630
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      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Does every website need a footer?

      It’s just common, and that’s all. It’s up to the designer to determine if it’s necessary and what the contents should be.

      A website that I happen to maintain is, showing nice pictures of old Leiden (in The Netherlands). It doesn’t have a footer. Nobody minds.

      • #4109079
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        And another no.

        by kees_b ·

        In reply to No.

        Sites don’t have footers. Only pages do.

        And while it can be argued that for most websites it’s good for the home page to have a footer, it’s doubtful that every page needs a footer. Do you want to see a footer under every mail in, under every page of every document in Office 365? Those are web pages also.

    • #4110289

      Reply To: Does every website need a footer?

      by victorgreen449 ·

      In reply to Does every website need a footer?

      Most of websites on the internet have footer even a simple one with website name in the footer, but SEO wise you must have footer to show some important pages and recent posts or social media links related to your site.

      Note: unnecessary link removed by moderator.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by victorgreen449.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
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