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  • #4262739

    Does Google use a lot of RAM memory?


    by hopkieb27 ·


    I was wondering if Google uses a lot of RAM memory and if I had a lot of tabs open would it pose a problem to the speed of my apps?

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    • #4262752
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      Reply To: Does Google use a lot of RAM memory?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Does Google use a lot of RAM memory?

      Not in my opinion, no more than any other browser. How much RAM does your system have currently?

    • #4262816
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      What is this Google?

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Does Google use a lot of RAM memory?

      Some call the Chrome browser “Google”. Here you should tell us what you think Google is.

      As to browsers I don’t see much difference from Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Opera and so on. So no to the speed of the apps question.

    • #4288074
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      Reply To: Does Google use a lot of RAM memory?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Does Google use a lot of RAM memory?

      Due to lack of reply from the OP, thread closed.

    • #4288084
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      Reply To: Does Google use a lot of RAM memory?

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Does Google use a lot of RAM memory?

      That’s easy to check.
      Do something with, say, 10 tabs in Chrome. Than do exactly the same in Firefox, Opera and Edge. Compare the RAM use in Task Manager. Also check the effect of putting tabs into “sleep state” (see ).

      And what “apps” are running while you browse that might be slower due to your use of the browser? Moreover, computers due to having “virtual memory” are much better in multi-tasking then computers.

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