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  • #2143877

    Domain Servers

    by dbrown51 ·


    I work for a small company, we have about 20 computers in our office. I was looking in to setting up a domain server, is one domain server computer enough to run 20 computers?

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    • #2421563

      Domain servers

      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to Domain Servers

      10 computers can connect to a single domain
      A domain is a group of computers connected to one or more domain controllers. When PC’s are in a domain, you then have the option to do the things you wish to do.

      To do this, you first need a domain controller. A domain controller is a server dedicated to the function of the domain (i.e. Active Directory, Sites and Services, etc). The catch here is you need a Windows Server operating system and most likely a CAL license, depending on how else you choose to use it.

      Once you have the server and the operating system is installed, all you have to do is setup the domain and join the PC’s to do it and you’re ready to go.

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