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  • #2182336

    DOWNLOAD: Training/tuition reimbursement kit


    by jodygilbert ·

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    • #3184860

      This is good, but…

      by rknrlkid ·

      In reply to DOWNLOAD: Training/tuition reimbursement kit

      This will need to be expanded on to be broader than just the IT workers if employed by an entire organization.

      Where I work has similar guidelines. Some are general, for all employees, and others are broken down by specific responsibilities.

      For example, in these guidelines a bonus is paid for an employee who receives a college degree. That is fine, except what if the position requires a college degree to begin with? Our local policy covers that situation. (The bonus goes to those positions who do not require college, rewarding initiative. There is a different incentive for positions requiring degrees.)

      This same line of reasoning applies to certifications too. Certain positions require certifications, so yes, they should recieve no additional compensation. But some positions have optional certifications, and I believe they should be rewarded. For example, if a secretary/administrative assistant receives the Certified Professional Secretary or Certified Administrative Professional certification, then a reward is in order (this certification is held by less than 10% in this career field worldwide). Individiuals in jobs that do not require a certification, but earn one, should be recognized appropriately.

      Just my comments on what I thought was a good article overall.

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