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    DPI Scaling Through RDP

    by secureuser101 ·

    Hi Guys I am having trouble with scaling on my Windows 2019 VPS server.One of the apps has recently been updated and now doesn’t fit one the screen as it’s to large.I understand that it is possible to change the DPI or app size but I am unable to do this over the RDP.The setup I am using is Linux then a Virtual Machine from there I RDP into my VPS.
    Any ideas this is driving me crazy. Thanks in advance

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      Couple of questions

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to DPI Scaling Through RDP

      How big is your current monitor? Is it possible you could use a bigger monitor? What kind of video/graphics is currently installed in the computer? Not enough information about the computer hardware has been provided for a definitive answer.

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