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  • #2145121


    by rachelk14 ·


    One of my co-workers is having trouble with her e-mails getting blocked or put into quarantine. Some of the recipients she has sent to before. We switched from GoDaddy e-mail to Office 365 e-mail about a month ago and that is when it started. It seems to be only her e-mail. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?! She is using a Mac.

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  • Author
    • #2423175

      If the mail is getting blocked it’s either

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to E-mail

      The User Name is listed as a source of Spam or the content of the e mail is triggering the Spam Filters.

      Best way to proceed is look at the content of the e mail and make sure that there is nothing that would trigger the Spam Filters and then look at the computer E Mail Address and change her name to something different.

      Of course if that particular machine is infected and sending spam you’ve got your answer there clean it up and do whatever is required to make it do as the user wants not the person controlling it.

    • #2422847


      by ericabrookssf ·

      In reply to E-mail

      I think that the issue resolution should be looked at within Godaddy. I left Godaddy and started using BlueHost.

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