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  • #2140877

    Edge can’t be opened anymore

    by zlzpqx ·


    I have three browsers in my PC: Edge, Chrome, and Vivaldi.

    Until today, I had no problem using any one of them. Today I cannot open Edge. So I reinstalled it and rebooted my PC. (My Control Panel Apps list shows Edge to be there with today’s installation date.) I still can’t open Edge.

    Please suggest a solution. Thank you.


    Incidentally, after downloading and executing Edge setup, strangely I never got the message which is routinely obtained after downloading and executing setup of any app, saying “installation successful; click on Finish.” (But, as I wrote above, Control Panel Apps list does show Edge with today’s installation date.)

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    • #2413153
      Avatar photo

      Remember that the answer varies with each machine.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Edge can’t be opened anymore

      My thoughts.

      1. EDGE SAFE MODE would be my first try.
      The command is:
      [b]start msedge -inprivate[/b]
      Read if you don’t know about the command prompt.

      2. notes how to use CCLEANER. Be sure to not change settings or do more cleaning than what this article calls for.

      3. notes EDGE’s repair and reset options.

    • #2413151
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      Re: Edge

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Edge can’t be opened anymore

      – What OS (Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11)?
      – Where did you download from?
      – What happens if you run it by doubleclick in File Explorer?
      – What happens if you run it from command mode (see proffitts post, just use start msedge + enter key)
      – What happens if you run in it another Windows account (make a new local one if necessary for this test).
      – For the three previous questions: if it doesn’t run, can your find Microsoft Edge in the processes list in Task Manager?

      • #2413136

        Thank you, Kees, for your detailed follow-up

        by zlzpqx ·

        In reply to Re: Edge

        Thank you, Kees, for your detailed follow-up, besides Bob’s.

        I use Windows 10, and had reinstalled Edge directly from Microsoft’s website — but I had no success in even opening Edge after rebooting my PC after the re-installation. So I had posted my original request for a suggestion about a solution to my problem.

        With the regard to your other questions, let me provide the following information:

        Using Bob’s suggestions and other Microsoft Supporters’ suggestions, I had tried to get Edge working, but in the meantime, some “mysterious” problem had developed in my ENTIRE PC system. So I sought help from a professional computer tech, whom I know. He came and fixed my PC system, but he too could not figure out what the exact problem with my PC was. He confirmed to me that no detectable virus had entered my PC. (I have Avast’s Premium Antivirus Protection.)

        So all three browsers — Edge, Chrome, and Vivaldi — in my PC are properly working now.

        I much thank both you and Bob for providing ready help.

    • #2419663

      Is it discontinued?

      by old molases ·

      In reply to Edge can’t be opened anymore

      Dint Microsoft rolled out an update telling that Edge will be discontinued?

      • #2419661

        The non-Chromium Edge has reached end of support.

        by proffitt ·

        In reply to Is it discontinued?

        “Support for the legacy version of the Microsoft Edge desktop app ended on March 9, 2021.”

        That was not the issue here as you read the OP’s last post.

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