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  • #2075146

    Email Attachmen/Content/Virus Solution??


    by peter bate ·

    Hi there!!!

    You know, being a young player and all when it comes to reccomending solutions for email security and protection, I turn to my fellow verterans of yaw and ask this : )

    The company I work for is specifically looking for a package that can provide the following features:

    – Email content filtering
    – Email attachments filtering
    – Email virus/macro virus scanning with regular virus signature updates
    – Email archiving
    – Centralised Management
    – Compatible with Windows 2000 Server, Exchange 5.5 and 2000

    I have used Worldsecure, owned by Tumbleweed and like it very much, but alas they have just changed to site licensing which is out of the company’s budget!! ($50,000) so Tumbleweed tell me. I had a look at the Computer Associates software and it looks like a lot of stuff which we won’t really need.

    Currently, I’ve got Mail Essentials on our Exchange server and I don’t like it too much. The idea of checking/processing quarinteened emails from a mail client is doesn’t

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    • #3788588

      Email Attachmen/Content/Virus Solution??

      by curlergirl ·

      In reply to Email Attachmen/Content/Virus Solution??

      Take a look at the Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition at – this has about 80% of what you’re looking for, and there are add-ons that, I think, will answer the rest of your needs. The basic product includes the virus scanning/updating features, centralized installation & mgmt., and scanning emails at the client level. Then there is the MS Exchange add-on that scans emails at the server level, and the Gateway add-on I believe has the content filtering you’re looking for. It’s a very affordable product – about $20 or less per WS with volume/site licensing. On-going virus def updates after the 1st year require a maintenance agreement. I’m using it at a couple of sites – email me if you have any implementation questions. Hope this helps!

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