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  • #2144575

    Email security

    by coredefence ·


    Hi, I’m new here, I’m a non-techy pensioner with a security concern, would appreciate some advice.
    I am in dispute with an international travel company who owe me some money. Two days ago I received a settlement offer via email, I decided to think about it and reply later.
    Today, I’ve attempted to reply to the mail but can find no trace of the email on any of my systems, phone, desk-top computer or iPad.
    Are emails deletable AFTER they’ve been delivered?
    Thanks in advance for any replies.

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    • #2423609

      No Need To Worry

      by ·

      In reply to Email security

      Hi Gareth,
      Normally I would say that. But there do exist these “Burner Email” addresses, which basically self-erase after some time. I dont however think that these are as ubiquitous as one would think them to be. Are you sure you didn’t accidentally delete them through any linked devices?
      And on a tangent, just letting you know that those people who call for collection, are in NO WAY associated with the lending company. They belong to a third party agency. So you dont need to take threats from them.
      Come to think of it, I think they actually sent the burner email – so they could shake you up, and feign any responsibility for it.

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