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  • #4285074

    ESP Packets are not supported in Digital Ocean Cloud Firewall

    by siddik21 ·

    I have a Fortigate VM Firewall launched using a Digital Ocean Droplet and an On Premise Fortigate firewall in office. Trying to establish a IPsec vpn between these two firewalls. But Digital Ocean doesn’t supports ESP packets due to which the tunnel is not getting up. If we remove the cloud firewall in the DO droplet, then the Tunnel is up and running successfully. Do we have any option to enable the cloud firewall supports ESP packet or is it secure using the IPsec vpn without having any inbound restriction on the DO end?
    Or if there is any alternate solution on DO end, pls share the detailed steps to implement it as i am not an expert in Networking side.

    Many thanks in advance.

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