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  • #3937469

    Excel formula

    by lexymrg ·

    Looking for a way to do the following, using an excel sheet
    Every week, entries are made to a sheet, abc company, 123 company, efg company etc.
    Is there a formula I can use that at the end of the week
    It takes all the same named companies, makes a list, with the amount of of times that company was entered so end result would be something like abc company 24, efg company 18, 123 company 35

    For now, the entries have to be on a single line/cell, but are trying to see how many times that company engaged with us in a weekly basis
    And make it easily readable in a list at the end of the week

    I know I am probably making this more difficult than what I need it to be, but this is what it is for now….any and all suggestions would be appreciated, thanks

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    • #3939501
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      I don’t know the exact spreadsheet formula….

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Excel formula

      …..but from my prior experience with Excel and Lotus 1-2-3 when in college, I would imagine it is fairly easy to accomplish. I am afraid my prior experience is almost 30 years old and long forgotten today. Spreadsheets were designed to fill those types of special needs/reports.

    • #3939495
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      Re: Excel formula

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Excel formula

      Looks like a pivot table. That’s a standard thing in Excel.

      If, for some reason, you can’t get it working, link the spreadsheet to an Access database and run a Group By query to show the result.

      • #3939487
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        Pivot Table

        by birdmantd ·

        In reply to Re: Excel formula

        That’s the term I couldn’t remember. I used to write code within the spreadsheet query language in college with pivot tables integrated into them. Like I mentioned, it’s been more than a few decades since I did that myself.

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