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  • #2072886

    Exchange 5.5 Mail Forwarding


    by rchan ·

    I would like to have incoming POP mail for one of my user accounts to forward to another outside email address. I have created an exchange mailbox to receive the POP mail, and custom recipient for the outside email address. I can send to the exchange mailbox internally and it will forward to the custom recipient address. But I would like the mailbox to autoforward to the custom recipient after connecting to the POP server. Any suggestions on how to forward these incoming messages to the custom recipient?

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    • #3784751

      Exchange 5.5 Mail Forwarding

      by mckaytech ·

      In reply to Exchange 5.5 Mail Forwarding

      That is a MOST interesting question and I’m not sure I have an answer other than setting up a Rule in Outlook.

      However, I did want to suggest that you look at the routing tab on the Internet Mail Server to see if you are forwarding incoming SMTP mail to . You might also want to check to see if “disable automatic replies to the Internet” is checked – theoretically it should only apply to Out of Office rules, but I’m wondering if it might have some effect on mail received then bounced back to a custom recipient.

      Other than those two things, I don’t know what the problem could be…


    • #3784696

      Exchange 5.5 Mail Forwarding

      by mark neller ·

      In reply to Exchange 5.5 Mail Forwarding

      This option is not currently available in Exchange, and is only achievable through configuration on the client. You will need to create a server-based rule in Outlook to forward messages to a specified email account.

    • #3782765

      Exchange 5.5 Mail Forwarding

      by wirejockey ·

      In reply to Exchange 5.5 Mail Forwarding

      I have outside sales reps with their own email accounts, i.e. This is what I have done. I created a custom recipient account only for the users, i.e. and on the gereral tab click the “Email” button and enter the SMTP address of the user, i.e. On the “E-Mail Address tab you have the email address(s) you want for your domain of course, i.e. Basically you don’t need a regular Exchange account. Good Luck!

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