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  • #4038444

    explanation of application architecture model

    by fokaramine96 ·

    I am in the process of learning the software management, what is a simple explanation of application architecture model?

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    • #4038457
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      Ask your favorite search engine

      by Wizard57M-TR ·

      In reply to explanation of application architecture model

      Bing, DuckDuckGo, or Google should give you the answer.

    • #4038520
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      Re: application architecture

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to explanation of application architecture model

      Surely, the books you study or the courses you follow will tell you all you about the subject you want to know.

    • #4038522
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      There is MORE than one model.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to explanation of application architecture model

      Here’s what ChatGPT has to say about a Model View Controller architecture:

      “Application architecture is the process of designing and organizing the components of an application in a way that allows it to meet its intended purpose effectively and efficiently. There are several different application architecture models that can be used to achieve this goal, but one common model is the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.

      In the MVC architecture, the application is divided into three main components:

      Model: This component represents the data and the business logic of the application. It defines how the data is stored, processed, and accessed.

      View: This component represents the user interface of the application. It defines how the data is presented to the user and how the user interacts with the application.

      Controller: This component acts as the intermediary between the model and the view. It receives input from the user and updates the model and view accordingly.

      By separating the application into these three components, the MVC architecture provides several benefits, such as:

      Greater modularity and code reusability
      Easier maintenance and testing of the application
      More effective collaboration between development teams
      Improved scalability and flexibility of the application.”

    • #4098183

      Application architecture model

      by Simply Shuvam ·

      In reply to explanation of application architecture model

      An application architecture model is a high-level plan for a software application. It includes components that are different parts of the system like the user interface or the database.

      It also outlines the connections between these components, which is how they communicate and interact with each other.

      Additionally, the architecture model defines the behavior of the system, such as how it reacts to different inputs and scenarios. It describes the structural arrangements, or how these different parts are organized and structured within the overall system.

      The goal of the application architecture model is to provide a clear structure and plan for how the software application should be designed and built.

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