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  • #2144407

    External Hard-drive for PS4

    by lukehanley99 ·


    I have an old hard-drive that i was trying to set up with my PS4 but you need a USB 3.0 connection for it to be compatible with the PS4. Unfortunately my hard-drive only has a connection for USB 2.0. I was wondering if its possible to get a USB 2.0 Type B to USB Type C cable and connect it to a USB Type C to a USB 3.0 Type A adapter and then connect that to the PS4. I want to know if it will work first instead o spending £20 on those adapters and it not working.

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    • #2418305

      It may get slow

      by soubhik92 ·

      In reply to External Hard-drive for PS4

      The transfer speed may get slow. You have a USB 2.0 connection as is, so it’s a better investment to get a new SSD drive. It’s better to spend the money.

      Or just wait for the PS5. It’s going to be a better deal.

      PS5 controllers are supposed to be more tactile and feature DualSense. I like that nobody knows yet what the ‘Create’ button can do yet. Sony has still been unclear on that, so have to wait. Some say we can take anything from screenshots to in-game videos, and then be able to edit and share it.

      In any case, it is going to be better than the Xbox for sure. It’s been ridden with problems – including terrible customer service.

      (links removed by moderator)

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