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  • #4021866

    Extra page break when opening Word doc in different version


    by thewitowskis ·

    I have a strange issue. I’m using MS Office Word version 2202 Build 14931.20724.

    I am using WPaaS so I’m stuck with this version until they upgrade all of the Citrix servers. I have a co-worker who is using version 16.xxxx. Can’t remember the exact version.

    When you opens a document that I created/edited, he gets an extra page-break at the end of the document that I don’t see in my version. It’s not the view, we’re both using the same view. I can’t figure out why his version is giving him the extra page break. Any ideas? Thank you.


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    • #4021869
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      Re: extra page break

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Extra page break when opening Word doc in different version

      Yes, that can happen with Word. You’re lucky he doesn’t use LibreOffice, then it might be worse.

    • #4021881
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      True. Here’s why.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Extra page break when opening Word doc in different version

      Word reformats the document to show you what you’ll see on the printer you have.

      If two users have different printers, a Word document will never look exactly the same to either user.

      In short, Word is not a typesetting program. If you need to do typesetting where the content is strictly controlled then you need to use a typesetting program.

      You can see a list at

      Also, no, the issue is not considered a bug in Word.

    • #4027724

      Reply To: Extra page break when opening Word doc in different version

      by lyinmiklies ·

      In reply to Extra page break when opening Word doc in different version

      Thanks for this solution!

    • #4099139

      Reply To: Extra page break when opening Word doc in different version

      by JosephMack26 ·

      In reply to Extra page break when opening Word doc in different version

      When opening a Word document in a different version of Microsoft Word, it is common to experience an extra page break. This is due to the fact that different versions of Word may interpret formatting differently. For example, when you open a document created in an earlier version of Word in a later version, the formatting may look slightly different because the later version has more features and settings than the earlier one.
      To fix this issue, try using the Compatibility Mode feature in Word. This feature allows you to view and edit your document as if it were created in an older version of Word. To do this, go to File > Options > Advanced and select “Open Documents as new documents” under Compatibility Mode Settings. Once you have done this, open your document again and it should appear with the same formatting as before.

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