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  • #2144890

    Facebook Security Check

    by billbrem ·


    I am locked out of facebook due to having an old phone number (disconnected now). I have tried contacting facebook with no response at all.

    Can someone please help i run my business off there and it’s effecting everything…

    Please help and how to get past this step or how to update details while bring locked out of account. Thanks Wade

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  • Author
    • #2417844


      by morglaw33 ·

      In reply to Facebook Security Check

      This is what happens when Facebook ask you “do you want to update your numbers” and you keep ignoring it.
      Anyway, you had only the number to log in? No mail at all? If you had some other info I guess that would be easier to put a new number…

    • #2418618

      recover password on Email id

      by ankitsingh213506 ·

      In reply to Facebook Security Check

      People often face this kind of issues. You can recover your password by just clicking on try another way & there you can add & verify your Email id to recover that password.

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