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  • #2141552

    Fan not spinning asus rog strix

    by midasn74 ·


    After i dusted off my asus rog strix hero 2 my GPU fan started making weird noises and after a couple of weeks it stopped spinning i opened my laptop to see what is going on and when i tried to spin the fan my self it was very rough en made a weird noise. My warranty is already expired. Is it necessary to replace the fan, if so is it hard to do it yourself and how much would it cost to send it to asus and how long will it take before my laptop would be done at asus. I do need my laptop every day for online school so i do not want it to take to long. The problem isn’t because of dust or the motherboard it tries to spin but the fan just is to rough.

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    • #2413581
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      Re: fan

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Fan not spinning asus rog strix

      It’s certainly necessary to fix or replace a non-rotating fan. Find a local repair shop and ask if they can do it for you, what it costs and how long it takes. And contact Asus tech support to ask to ask the same and if its feasible to do it yourself if you order only the fan.

    • #2413574
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      Yes. It’s necessary to replace failed fans.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Fan not spinning asus rog strix

      It’s also a normal item to fail. And usually far out of warranty so there’s nothing nefarious or unusual about that.

      Some are easy to replace, some you have a shop do it.

      If you don’t replace it, the machine may overheat and have a hard failure (goodbye laptop) or age much more quickly.

      Finally about take too long. This is about a hour job at most shops.

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