File not saving to new local server name
Hello everyone. I am a student on an internship and this is probably a rather newbie question in regards to general computer knowledge. This problem is in relation to LabVIEW, but I believe it’s more of a general networking/mapping issue. In this program, there is .csv data that is output to a local server. The local server was recently updated, so these paths need to be updated. I thought it would be as simple as changing the host name of the path to the new server but that does not work. However, if I copy the path to the new server directly, that works. For example:
\\new_server_name\some folder\desination folder
this does not work.But if I copy the same path for “destination folder” directly from the url bar into LabVIEW:
Z:\some folder\destination folder
this does work.Here the new Z drive is the same as “new_server_name”
So I am not sure why one works but the other does not.