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  • #2092279

    file repair


    by bonnie.muresan ·

    I work with students saving to 3 1/2″ floppy disks. Is there software to repair files. I use Norton to work on the actual disks themselves but it does nothing to save the actual Word documents that become damaged (usually because they removed the disks before the information is completely written to the disk.) Any help would be appreciated.

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    • #3878429

      Bad News

      by slewis01 ·

      In reply to file repair

      If the files are damged by students removing the disk before data is completely written then no repair will be possible as the data is missing and not damaged. It seems unlikely that this is happening as removing the disk under win9x will cause a Blue Screen Of Death which should alert even the densest user that something is amiss.

      You probably don’t want to hear this but I hope that all your virus scanners are in tip-top shape as I can’t think of anything more likely to encourage the spreadof viruses than a student with a floppy disc.

      (Perhaps you could look on your problem as a kind of Darwinian weeding out of the educationally less able to survive ! :> )

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