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  • #4019248

    For what reason is Java so well known?


    by rahulbhosle2326 ·


    Is This The Right ans..?

    Moderator Note: URL is one of the usual spammed training courses. URL was removed.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Avatar photorproffitt.

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    • #4019257
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      Reply To: For what reason is Java so well known?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to For what reason is Java so well known?

      It’s well known because most of us drink coffee on a daily basis.

    • #4019283
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      Re: Java

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to For what reason is Java so well known?

      The top-10 of programming languages in 2022, according to
      1. JavaScript
      2. Python
      3. Java
      4. Typescript
      5. C#
      6. C++
      7. PHP
      8. Shell
      9. C
      10. Ruby
      Other sources might have other lists.

      My question to you: can you explain why JavaScript and Python are better known than Java?

    • #4026383

      java is well known for a number of reasons, including

      by guestblogcrowcrowcrow ·

      In reply to For what reason is Java so well known?

      1. platform independence : java code can run on any platform that has the java virtual machine jvm installed, which means that java can run on a wide variety of devices and operating system without modification.
      2. object-oriented programming : java is an object oriented programming which can be used to create modular reusable code.
      3. large and active community : java has a very large community of users and developers which means that there are large number of resources for learning and troubleshooting as well as large number of libraries and frameworks that can be used to speed up development.
      4.widely used in enterprises : java is widely used in enterprise applications , particularly for doing backend systems and web applications.
      5.popular for android development : java is the primary language for developing android apps,which is one of the most popular mobile platforms.
      6. automatic memory management :java has an automated memory management feature called garbage code which makes it easier for developers to write efficient codes without worrying about memory leaks.

      overall java is a powerful versatile and well established programming language that is well suited for a wide variety of purposes.

    • #4030610

      Reply To: For what reason is Java so well known?

      by Johnharper2020 ·

      In reply to For what reason is Java so well known?

      Java is easy to program and easy to run. These are the prominent reasons why many developers use it. You only need to write Java once and can run it anywhere, anytime. It is used to develop applications operating on a single computer or spanned over servers and clients within a network.

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