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  • #2140849

    Format and page number problems when emailing documents.

    by d3a29v19 ·


    I am a writer. When I send manuscripts through email, the page numbers don’t print and the general format is altered. How may this be corrected?

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    • #2419184
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      It sounds like.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Format and page number problems when emailing documents.

      You are sending Word Documents. Remember that Word will reformat and change settings on each PC. THIS IS NOT A BUG!

      To avoid this, create PDF files which don’t do that.

      • #2419182
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        by birdmantd ·

        In reply to It sounds like.

        While I think rproffitt is correct, let us know what application you are using to create these documents/files.

      • #2419157

        Word to PDF problems.

        by d3a29v19 ·

        In reply to It sounds like.

        Converting my Word file to PDF file did print page numbers but not where I placed them, and ignored the overall format for the pages.

        • #2419155
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          Works super here.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Word to PDF problems.

          But I’m using the old PrintToPDF that’s build into Windows now. If I used Word to PDF CONVERSION APPS I bet things would not have gone so smoothly.

    • #3971268

      Format and page number problems when emailing documents.

      by businessmantalk ·

      In reply to Format and page number problems when emailing documents.

      A diary is a daily record of events, experiences, or feelings. It often includes the writer’s thoughts and opinions. A diary may be a person’s personal account of their life, or it may be a professional journal. Some people use diaries as an aid to memory or a means of setting goals, while others use them simply for the pleasure they derive from recording their thoughts and feelings.

      The following is a diary writing format

      1) Write your name, address and phone number at the top of each page.

      2) Make sure you have enough space to write your entries. If you need more space than is provided on any page, tear off the corner of that page and continue writing on the next page.

      3) Start your entry with the date and time it begins (e.g., 14th September 23:00). Write down what happened that day or what you did in detail, as well as how you felt about it when it happened (e.g., I was so excited when I got my first paycheck). Use this format every time you start a new entry.

      4) Use this Diary Writing Format template to write down everything that happens in your life including your daily activities and emotions

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