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  • #2084431

    foxpro & word 97/2000


    by rbroome ·

    I have a product written in foxpro 2.6. I export tables (*.dbf) to enable a mail merge in word. I now have sites that get a problem of “unable to open data source”. I have download mdac 2.5 from msn, have setup the odbc drivers to go to a “free table directory” and pointed the path to the correct directory & drive. I still get the problem. I have also de-installed and reinstall office97 and reload the mdac.

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    • #3772776

      foxpro & word 97/2000

      by jasoncctc ·

      In reply to foxpro & word 97/2000

      Several things pop into mind…

      Try reading the tables Word is unable to read in Foxpro. If you can use and browse the tables, try packing them.

      Make sure the mail merge tables are not being locked by another application (i.e. Foxpro, your Fox product, ODBC, etc).

      Try creating a simple fox table for mail merge with one record, set up a new data source and a new Word document. Try merging these.

      An extreme possible solution would be to back up a computer with this problem, format the hard drive, reinstall Windows, Office97, the foxpro application and mdac 2.5. Sometimes uninstalling and reinstalling doesn’t overwrite corrupted resources and sometimes it’s a matter of incompatible resources.

      Good Luck.

      • #3772713

        foxpro & word 97/2000

        by rbroome ·

        In reply to foxpro & word 97/2000

        I’ll try the pack idea as I can open the databases via Msquery. The only fly in the ointment is that the files are created “on the fly”.

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