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  • #2317166

    Frames Question


    by dslife ·

    New to the board so I hope I am in the correct topic area.

    My question is if I am creating a website in frames in which the static frame is the companies navigation, and want to create a direct link for other users to access a specific page, how do I do that so that the navigation frame will show up as well.

    Hope this is clear and I appreciate in advance any help on this question. Have a great night.

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    • #3543355

      Reply To: Frames Question

      by caesaj ·

      In reply to Frames Question

      Create your frames page with some sort of dynamic language. Take one parameter in the querystring as a page address, then load up frames with your navigational bar and the specified page, or an error message if the page requested isnt available.

    • #3543328

      HTML Frames

      by jglenncrp ·

      In reply to Frames Question

      If I understand correctly, you want to create two (or more) frames, one of which always is dislayed.
      The easiest way to tell you is to show you – go to . View the file source from the browser menu bar (not by right-clicking – that display’s the page in the frame). Note the coding, particularly

      The “name” attribute is the key to filling the frame with other files.

      Now, place the cursor on the index page’s “gold” frame (titled “inside”). Right click and select VIEW. Note that each entry references the MAIN page

      Articles, Book, & Citations

      Contacting John Glenn, CRP

      I learned HTML by looking at others’ code and suggest you do the same; my pages may provide the information you need. My pages are strictly HTML; no Java/JavaScript, VB, etc. Very simple. Hope this helps.

      • #2746939


        by dslife ·

        In reply to HTML Frames

        Thanks to both of your for your help. I really do appreciate it and will give several things a try.

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