
  • Creator
  • #2143331

    Fraud charges

    by madgurl2day ·


    I have a charge on my bank account from apple I do not have an apple product or an iCloud account the phone number on my statement does not let me speak to no one and the site support want iCloud account I do not have any of this I have a track number from the bank I want my money back I want to know who it is linked to as well asap it is fraud and if someone at apple does not respond it’s a lawsuit because apple committing fraud as well

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    • #2421677

      Well start at the beginning

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to Fraud charges

      Ring your bank and deal with them. Sure you can jump up and down screaming at Apple but the reality of the situation is that while it says Apple on the Bank Statement it is very unlikely to be Apple.

      Things like this come from Unsafe Web Browsing or Dealing with E Mail in a Unsafe Manner and from my experience always come when a system is not updated with the latest Zero Day Exploit.

      Anyway the Money went from your Bank they handed it out so speak to them they are the only ones who can follow the money to where it went know who got it what their name is and what the Account Number it was paid into is, as well as where in the world it is. They can also track any money to the end through multiple transfer points which you are not capable of doing.

      Just a heads up though the best way to steal money is to charge a little to many people than take a lot from one. That way the transfers never get noticed so a few cents per month from 25 million peoples bank accounts is a nice tidy income for someone who never gets noticed where as 1 K from a single person at once tends to get noticed as soon as the statement is looked at.

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