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  • #2097164

    Freezing on startup


    by ray@plastico ·

    We’re running a G4 with OS9, and just recently it has refused to startup. we’ve run Norton’s Disk Doctor has said the machine is OK, and starting on it’s own, the smiling mac appears and the machine freezes. Starting with shift down, to turn off theextensions, the smiling face freezes again.

    This is causing a major concern, so any prompt answers would be appreciated.

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    • #3798696

      Freezing on startup

      by colemadr03 ·

      In reply to Freezing on startup

      Try either (1) resetting the PRAM by holding down “control” + “apple key” + “r” + “p” while restarting and wait to hear a second startup sound, and/or (2) try replacing the PRAM battery. You will lose some settings, like video resolution, sounds, etc.

      Good luck!

    • #3800209

      Freezing on startup

      by ray@plastico ·

      In reply to Freezing on startup

      The last change of any kind was the installation of Dreamweaver 4, if it’s any help?

    • #3821449

      Freezing on startup

      by b.o.t. ·

      In reply to Freezing on startup

      The G4’s were also very picky with RAM. Not sure if you added any but that can cause freezes on start up. Just in case,
      here is a link to a little app that will check the memory timing. When Apple released the lastest AGP G4 firmware it actually disabled incompatible memory! This program tells you your memory specs.

    • #3821262

      Freezing on startup

      by mac guru ·

      In reply to Freezing on startup

      Hi Ray,

      You said that, “and starting on it’s own,
      the smiling Mac appears and the
      machine freezes”. Not knowing your Mac
      OS version and other pertinent
      information I can only give general
      suggestions related to your problem.

      Understanding the startup sequence can
      shed much light on the problem and
      possible tell us WHY it’s freezing up at
      startup. The following is the sequence
      that occurs when a Mac starts up:

      – Startup “chime” is played
      – The hardware ROM is loadedinto
      – The hardware RAM is tested
      – The ADB (keyboard/mouse) port is
      queried for attached ADB devices and
      – The SCSI port is queried for attached
      SCSI devices
      – The Printer and Modem ports are
      queried for attached devices
      – The PCI expansion card slots are
      queried for installed PCI cards
      – The computer searches for a bootable
      System Folder. It looks first to the floppy
      disk drive, then the device selected in the
      Startup Disk control panel, then internal
      SCSI ID 0, then 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, then
      the external SCSI chain (if your Mac has
      one) in the same order.
      – The smiling Mac is drawn on the screen


      – If a System Enabler is present, it is
      loaded here
      – Extensions and Control Panels located
      in the Extensions folder are loaded in
      alphabetical order
      – Extensions and Control Panels located
      in the Control Panels folder are loaded in
      alphabetical order
      – Extensions and Control Panels located
      loose in the System Folder are loaded in
      alphabetical order
      – The Finder is loaded/launched
      – Items in the Startup Items folder are
      – File Sharing starts up (if selected)

      SEE PART 2 –

    • #3821260

      Freezing on startup

      by mac guru ·

      In reply to Freezing on startup

      PART 2 ?
      Based on the aforementioned startup
      sequence, prior to the appearance of the
      smiling Mac face, the computer has
      ALREADY checked RAM and
      HARDWARE, so I don’t think it’s a RAM
      related problem, but it may be.

      It might be a SCSI related problem OR a
      serious System software defect OR an
      Extension related problem. You
      mentioned that you already checked that
      issue, but keep in mind, that holding
      down the Shift key does NOT preclude the
      possibility of there being a BAD System
      Extension loading after the Mac Smiley
      Face in the BASE set of extensions.

      I would try 5 things to try and isolate the
      problem –

      1. Unplug ALL external related SCSI
      devices from the computer and then try to
      start the computerup. If it starts, then
      there is something wrong with a SCSI
      cable or SCSI device, termination or an
      incorrect SCSI ID number.

      2. Then try to startup from a BOOTABLE
      CD or Zip disk so that the computer
      bypasses the existing operating system
      on the computer that may be damaged.
      Try putting in the Norton Utilities CD and
      hold down the “C” key to startup off of the
      Norton CD. Does the computer start up?
      If it does, then something is seriously
      wrong with one of the components of your
      Mac OS System Software (System,
      Finder, Enablers, extension, ect). If a
      component of the MacOS is damaged, all
      you have to do to fix it is – replace the
      System component with the EXACT SAME
      GOOD component from another Mac ofthe same model & same Mac OS version.
      I have archived all these items for all
      MacOS versions in case of this exact
      problem. And it happens occasionally. I’d
      also throw away the following prefs –
      Finder pref, Apple Menu Options pref and
      ASLM Pref.

      See PART 3 –

    • #3821256

      Freezing on startup

      by mac guru ·

      In reply to Freezing on startup

      PART 3 –

      3. Remove any RAM chips that were
      installed AFTER you bought the computer
      that did NOT come originally from Apple.
      As was mentioned, one of the RAM chips
      (or other hardware component) may be
      bad or has gone bad after the fact.When
      the system tries to write info to the RAM
      chip and can’t, it freezes up.

      4. It may be a Network related problem.
      Throw away the following prefs –
      Appleshare pref & Appletalk pref. and

      5. There are other solutions (like making
      sure that the MAIN Hard Disk Drive has
      been selected as the StartUp Disk in the
      StartUp Disk Control Panel) that can be
      tried, but this should take care of the

      • #3828243

        Freezing on startup

        by ray@plastico ·

        In reply to Freezing on startup

        Unfortunately, this answer was not able to sufficiently solve the problem, but gave some good advice for the future (which we had previously taken, but was a little lax of late). The HD needed initializing in the end, and the OS (9) was reinstalled, along with all the s/w, exts & cps. Many thanks for your consideration, and we look forward to more fruitful co-operation in future.


    • #3828241

      Freezing on startup

      by ray@plastico ·

      In reply to Freezing on startup

      This question was closed by the author

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