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    Friends, please help me, I am an engineer and entrepreneur.

    by Pavel Samuta ·


    Hello friends everyone. I hope you don’t throw oranges at me. Since I understand that the site is not specialized, but maybe here I will find people to collaborate with who are interested in the topic of engineering, hardware, and implement something themselves. In general, your support is so important to me. I am writing to you from the near and distant country of Belarus. Please help me find people who are interested in this.

    I went from a technician to a design engineer, from an engineer to an entrepreneur, a consultant in the field of industrial engineering and design, I understand production from the inside.

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    • #4189446
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      Reply To: Friends, please help me, I am an engineer and entrepreneur.

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Friends, please help me, I am an engineer and entrepreneur.

      Just curious, what specifically is your question or concern? As long as you keep the topics relevant to the subject you select and avoid posting SPAM internet sites, you are welcome to post here.

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