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  • #2073765

    FTP times out (CISCO router question)


    by roman_empire ·

    I just moved the Web server to another subnet outside of my network and now my ftp connection times out whenever it tries to pull the file listing. How ever it does not happen from outside of my network. My question is what do I need to change on the router in order for ftp to work from inside of the network.

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    • #3894069

      FTP times out (CISCO router question)

      by mukul_gandhi ·

      In reply to FTP times out (CISCO router question)

      TCP/IP cannot pass the router by default. I think u need to install an application gateway at the router. If u successfully do this, u can ping between machines on different subnets.


    • #3894836

      FTP times out (CISCO router question)

      by tysonmathews ·

      In reply to FTP times out (CISCO router question)

      set nat entry add tcp

      you need to pull across port 20 also which is you data port for telnet.

      cmos> set nat entry add 20 20 tcp

      you can also set nat entry delete items also.

      good luck.

    • #3893678

      FTP times out (CISCO router question)

      by Anonymous ·

      In reply to FTP times out (CISCO router question)

      Maybe u have an internal routing error or configuration problem. Check routing protocols. What about pinging the ftp server? You question is not very clear about much. The first answer u received is incorrect. the second one by the uswest guy looks ok, if you’re using NAT. But you never said you were.

      Simple ping tests should be completed first and then u should give us the results b4 posting a question. Ping the routers, servers & PCs. Then based upon the results, post your questions.

      Based upon the limited info rec’d, is the router(s) using access lists filters? WHat is the other subnet and it’s relation to the old subnet? Same or different router? too many questions to give you a good answer..

      • #3893512

        FTP times out (CISCO router question)

        by roman_empire ·

        In reply to FTP times out (CISCO router question)

        I cannot ping it. I can browse websites located on that webserver. I cannot ftp to it. I cannot resolve any DNS quiries against the DNS server that runs on that machine. Yet people outside of my network e.g. real world can do all of it.

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