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  • #2140480

    galaxys10 false data

    by 2wicked3smart ·

    I stopped paying the bill for a Verizon galaxy s10 months ago and ragndomly my phone started allowing me to use fb messenger, youtube, and everything else requiring data without wifi. Then it would only allow youtube and messenger and now it just allows me to use messenger. My question is why is it letting me use anything at all without wifi as if my phone service has been turned on? It never let me call or text off my original number just services that would require data.

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    • #2414912
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      Re: data

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to galaxys10 false data

      That seems a question for Verizon, not for us.

    • #2414910
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      Time and time again.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to galaxys10 false data

      I’ve seen such find a WiFi spot and start working. The owner remains confused.

    • #2414864

      Contact Verizon

      by naheed mir ·

      In reply to galaxys10 false data

      If you are still able to use FaceBook messenger, youtube, and everything else requiring data, then I will suggest inquiring the Verizon galaxy about the issue.
      If without wifi you are able to access sites then your phone service has been turned on.

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