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  • #3937789

    GPO not applying to some users.

    by jodyneville ·

    I’m looking for ideas from people who might have had similar experiences.

    I have a GPO that pushes out to all staff on site. However every so often we see a staff member who doesn’t get the GPO applied. They are in the correct OU/sub OU (and other people in the same OU as them will have the GPO applied. GPResult shows that the GPO is actually not even applying for the user. The function it carries out can be ran manually, so it doesn’t seem to be a permissions issue on the object.
    I’ve checked the user’s Effected Access on the GPO and the results are the same.
    Other OUs applied at the same level in AD are working.
    It’s a user config OU applying Control Panel Settings.

    Can anyone suggest anything to check other than the typical checks of correct security group/correct ou etc?


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