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  • #2141626

    Hacked and slowed down considerably

    by triviaace ·


    I was hacked and all IDs and Passwords were changed. When I changed all the stolen IDs and PWs my Windows 10 computer slowed to a crawl and I can’t find a way to get it going again.

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    • #2415240
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      Usually time for a full Windows 10 reset.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Hacked and slowed down considerably

      Remember that after decades of everyone being told to backup what they can’t lose, I won’t write about that.

      Here’s how to reset your Windows 10 PC:

    • #3962257

      Reply To: Hacked and slowed down considerably

      by abouttimeforplay ·

      In reply to Hacked and slowed down considerably

      Here it is 2022 and I just bought a Spectre from Hp. Now I have nothing to lose taking reasonable risks with my old laptop.
      I learned to have a securely plugged in external hard drive when reimagine my hd: the plug fell out of my outlet as I reimaged. What a mess; for many reasons I had to restore the System partition and HP Re every partitions. I enjoyed experimenting for 100’s of hours even sleeping slightly through the night as Windows did its thing.

      Recently due to trouble starting the computer (hardware and software problems) I reset Windows. I really improved the performance.
      Beware! I had three folders under the OneDrive folder for my work. After reset, every file in my documents, picture, and desktop folders went up into the clouds. I spent more time fixing the mess.

      Does anyone else have experience with Reset and Onedrive? How did you handle the Reset with Onedrive in mind.

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