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  • #2080671

    Hard disk problems


    by valluvan ·

    In my new ( 3 months ) Acer note book, I have this problem.

    I have Windows 98, previously it was loaded with NT server 4.0

    I am stuck in the middle, can not move the mouse pointer or work with the keyboard, getting the following messages.

    Disk write error: unable to write to disk in drive C:, Data or Files may be lost

    One of your hard disk has developed bad sectors

    A fatal exception OE has occured at 0167:BFF9DFFF. Current application will be terminated.

    I did my best, by running the ScanDisk, Memory check, Virus Check everything. The reuslt doesn’t show any abnormality.

    Kindly suggest any thing I can do.

    Thanks in advance.

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    • #3893220

      Hard disk problems

      by dmiles ·

      In reply to Hard disk problems

      Reads as though your hard drive is formatted with NTFS which is still being recognized in the CMOS.
      Start computer,at start up hit shift+F4,at the command prompt input FDISK and wipe the hard drive clean and delete all partitions per the on screen instructions.
      It would be less difficult if you were to have partition magic available.
      Back up data if its an option.
      Reformat the hd by using the set up disk and

      • #3895388

        Hard disk problems

        by valluvan ·

        In reply to Hard disk problems

        Thank you for taking time to write. I used the FDISK utility and format the hard disk, loaded the O.S from the recovery CD which comes with Acer. Now it is working. I hope it continues to work with out any problems.
        Thank you.

    • #3893209

      Hard disk problems

      by stefan.mcintyre ·

      In reply to Hard disk problems

      The fact that you have ’98 installed tells me c: is a fat partition, if you’re trying to write to another drive (d:) and it’s NTFS from the NT install, ’98 it won’t be able to read it and you’ll need to reformat THAT(d:) drive as fat. If you’ve onlygot the single partition the problem is probably your hard drive.Both SEAGATE and MAXTOR (if your drive isn’t one of these check your drive’s site)
      sites have utilites in their download sections to assist you with mapping out bad sectors. Make sure to backup your hard drive first. These utilites will perform a DESTRUCTIVE READ WRITE test to rectify your problem.

    • #3893207

      Hard disk problems

      by sakis samaras ·

      In reply to Hard disk problems

      Well indeed you are at the state of loosing your data. That’s because of NTFS system, that ‘ve been damaged by win98. The best thing to do is to boot (Start) from a startup disk or CD (if that option is available at BIOS setup). Then you’ll get the chance to enter setup or exit setup & perform a Fdisk operation wipping out any available partition and data together.
      If you have any needed data then after the boot, try to access your c: drive and move to the directory you need to backup. If you have any file larger than 1.38 MB to copy it to Floppies, you must use an old-fashion-way to compress your files (Pkzip v2.xx, Arj v2.xx or other DOS utility such as RAR, Pack etc) and activate a buildin disk spanning.
      Then proceed to Fdisk deletingthe partition (non-DOS partition), and recreate one for FAT32.
      Hope Helps
      Sakis Samaras
      When you open Fdisk you ‘ll be prompted to activate FAT32; answer “Y”es to the question, so that you ‘ll be enabled to access Hard Disk with storage morethan 528 MB.

    • #3893188

      Hard disk problems

      by billygilbreath ·

      In reply to Hard disk problems

      This behavior can occur if you have a Linksys EtherFast 10/100 network adapter
      in your computer. The EtherFast network adapter can cause a resource conflict
      with Windows 98 PCI Steering.

      I’m not posting the entire text because of the 1000 character limitation of this forum

      • #3895386

        Hard disk problems

        by valluvan ·

        In reply to Hard disk problems

        Thank you for taking time to write. I don’t have the Ethernet adapter. Not it is working after formatting my disk.

    • #3893169

      Hard disk problems

      by mdavis ·

      In reply to Hard disk problems

      If all else fails. Does your laptop have some sort of warranty? Contact the vendor to see about getting a replacement hard drive. With my dell laptop, they usually have a replacement part out to me the next day. You would have to re-install yourOS and any other applications, and you would have to find a way to back up any files that you want to keep from your other drive. But if your drive has bad sectors, and it’s only three months old, I might look into getting a new one.

      I hope thishelps.

      • #3895387

        Hard disk problems

        by valluvan ·

        In reply to Hard disk problems

        Thank you for taking time to write. After formatting my hard disk, it is working now.

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