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  • #2140677

    Hard Drive/OS Question

    by chintukimaachintuk ·


    If I have a hard drive with Windows 8.1 installed and I connected the hard drive to a new pc without an OS, would it work the same? I have a laptop I bought from HP that has windows pre-installed and has no physical windows disc or key, if I built a new PC and just connected this hard drive would the OS carry to the new PC along with all the things I already have installed? Sorry if this is an obvious question.

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    • #2416220

      No it will not work

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to Hard Drive/OS Question

      Nor is it likely that the system will actually load Windows as the Hardware Abstraction Layer a Critical Windows File that is made up of the actual hardware that is in that individual computer will not suit the new one.

      The NB you got with Windows Pre installed should have a sticker with the Windows Product Key if it doesn’t you have a pirate copy of Windows and as for reinstalling Windows on that Computer there should be a Recovery Partition on the Hard Drive which only allows you to install that OS onto the original Hardware as it only has the drivers for that Hardware and none of the others.

      HP Supply a cut down version of Windows unique that the hardware that they supply with that copy of Windows.

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