
  • Creator
  • #2142095

    Have a lot of bugs in my code.

    by mikebond214 ·


    We have a platform That facilitates social networking for dedicated communities.
    As the platform is growing constantly we are facing all issues due to hi number of bugs In the code.

    Is there a way to find these bags while developing our platform? So, that we can mitigate these issues much faster in the development phase itself.

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All Answers

  • Author
    • #2413803

      Re: bugs

      by keesb2 ·

      In reply to Have a lot of bugs in my code.

      The usual measures:
      – hiring better developers
      – pair programming
      – clear programming standards
      – supervision of junior developers by senior developers
      – better testing (automatic tests, regression tests, user tests)
      – refactoring of code where necessary

      • #2413801

        Code review

        by mikebond214 ·

        In reply to Re: bugs

        Thanks, mate. These are some common recommendations I have received.

        I came across tools like Codegrip that allow to automate the code review.

        Do you have any thoughts on any such tool?

        • #2413794

          Re: code review

          by keesb2 ·

          In reply to Code review

          I’ve got no experience with a tool like that. But since they have a free demo, it might be a good idea to try how good it is for the programming language and method you use and the kind of errors your developers make.

          Give it version 0.3 of something as input, see what bugs it finds and compare those with version 1.0 of that something.

    • #2413714

      Have a lot of bugs in my code.

      by pooja1588142131 ·

      In reply to Have a lot of bugs in my code.

      You can use W3C markup validation to make sure that your HTML or XHTML code is error-free. It is an official validator tool of the World Wide Web Consortium. You will also find other tools like HTML Tidy, Google Webmaster tools, etc. which can help you search for duplicate meta tags, broken links, missing titles, or other bugs in your code.

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