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  • #4204292

    Help a Dad Out


    by dsouzalawrence487 ·


    Hey everyone,
    My daughter’s been asking me for a Samsung Tab for both gaming and schoolwork. I’m definitely interested, but with a tablet seeing so much use, I’m wondering which model would be the best pick. Durability is a big concern, so I’d also love to hear about any insurance options that might be a good fit. Any recommendations would be a huge help! Thanks in advance!

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    • #4204311
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      Re: tab

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Help a Dad Out

      A few answers.

      1. Read reviews and comparisons. Don’t limit yourself to Samsung. There are good tabs from other companies also. Just 2 links from a site we trust:

      2. Insurance depends on where you live. In Australia there are other companies than in Canada. Start with checking your current
      home contents insurance. Or ask the shop if they offer anything.

      3. Durability has nothing to do with insurance. More with the way your daughter handles the device and, in a quite other way, with the number of years of Android updates included when you buy it.

    • #4204408
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      Reply To: Help a Dad Out

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Help a Dad Out

      Another factor to consider is the OP’s budget. For example, a Samsung Galaxy A series tablet is available from about $100-$200 and Galaxy S Tab series can be several hundred to over $1000 (largely dependent on screen size and on the amount of internal memory/RAM). I do agree that there are several good tablet manufacturers and prices vary among them.

      The advice offered by Kees about insurance is excellent and should be considered in your decision. Best of luck.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Avatar photobirdmantd.
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