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    Help setting up 2 different routers and an access point together

    by jt02 ·


    Hello! as the title suggests, I would like to set up 2 different routers and an access point together.

    I have a FTTP connection, permanent modem on the wall (no idea what it is & I don’t think it’s configurable – it’s referred to as an NBN box or NTD here in Australia). This is connected to my current router, an Ubiquiti ER-X running OpenWRT. I have an Asus RT-AC68U running in AP mode providing Wi-Fi only.

    I would like to buy a cheap router to experiment with different firmware. The only device I will have connected to this router will be my gaming console. So basically I want the same set up as I have now, with all my devices getting internet from the ER-X/Asus’s Wi-Fi except my console, which will be hardwired to the new router and will be using its QoS/settings, not the ER-X’s.

    Could someone explain how to do this, step by step e.g. telling me what to plug into what first/do I need to switch off any settings or input the second routers IP address into the ER-X’s DMZ after I connect them together or is this not needed if it’s going to be a different network/using different QoS/settings?

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