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  • #2142292

    Help: Usb-c to 3.5mm glitching out/not working

    by obama_official ·

    I just bought a USB-c to 3.5mm adapter. it seemed like it was working fine at first, but after listening to something with them for a couple minutes they started completely glitching out and making the audio very distorted and loud. Plugging it in and out did fix it but it just came back after another couple minutes. Does anyone know what is causing this, and possibly a fix?
    I’m using it with a Huawei p20 lite, if it helps

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  • Author
    • #2418319

      3.5mm adapter issue

      by sadiqrehan1512 ·

      In reply to Help: Usb-c to 3.5mm glitching out/not working

      Hey, this similar problem happens with me all the time I play games like pub g.
      In the middle of the game, audio stops coming in my earphones but when I restart the game, it works fine.
      I have now purchased the original Oneplus type c to 3.5mm adaptor. Now this problem is solved.
      So I think you should also buy a new adaptor of good quality.

    • #2419428


      by jens deferme ·

      In reply to Help: Usb-c to 3.5mm glitching out/not working

      Best way is to buy an original cable

      Best regards

      Jens DEFERME

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